北京联合大学旅游学院。经过多年办学实践,学院坚持以首都旅游产业为主要面向,已成为现代旅游管理高中级专业人才的培养基地、旅游业在职管理干部和专业技术骨干的培训基地、旅游科学研究和信息咨询基地、旅游教育与科研国际合作交流基地,在国内外同类专业院校和全国旅游行业中有着重要影响和良好声誉。目前,学院正在积极构建产学研一体、国际化办学模式,努力建设办学理念先进、办学体制灵活开放、办学层次多样的新型旅游学院。 The Institute of Tourism of Beijing Union University is the public university which is belong to the Beijing Education Committee. It was set up in the year 1978. There are ten areas of specialization including four-year courses and higher vocational study. Currently, our Institute has an enrollment of approximately 2,500 students. The international students were received from 1993, there are more than 200 international students are studying here now.