例如,在1543年,就在大多数人相信太阳和其他行星是绕地球运转的时候,有一个叫哥白尼的人却提出,地球和其他行星是绕太阳运转的。 For example, in1543 as a time when most people believed that the sun and the planets circled around the earth, a man named Copernicus suggested that the earth and the other planets revolved around the sun.
哥白尼证明地球是圆的。 Copernicus proved that the earth is round.
那个人就是哥白尼。那部阐述他的思想的伟大著作于1543年,他逝世前几个月发表了。 That man was Copernicus, and the great book setting down his thoughts was printed in1543, in the last months of his life.
哥白尼论证了地球绕着太阳转。 Copernicus reasoned that the earth revolved around the sun.