腔静脉把血从身体的上部和下部抽光然后流入心脏的右心房的两支大静脉之一 Either of two large veins that drain blood from the upper body and from the lower body and empty into the right atrium of the heart.
放血放血,静脉切开放血,作为测量治疗效果的一个方法 The removal of blood, usually from a vein, as a therapeutic measure.
静脉切开术,放血术切割静脉或穿孔来放血的行为或实践,作为一种医学治疗 The act or practice of opening a vein by incision or puncture to remove blood as a therapeutic treatment.
甲状物与甲状腺或甲状软骨相联系的动脉、静脉、神经或其它部分 An artery, a vein, a nerve, or another part associated with the thyroid gland or thyroid cartilage.