Selected Ion Monitor



1)selected ion monitoring,选择离子检测2)Selected Ion Monitor,选择离子检测3)Selected ion recording,选择离子检测4)SIM,选择离子检测5)selective ion monitoring,选择离子检测6)selected ion monitoring (SIM),选择性离子检测


A new method was developed for the analysis of the volatile and semi-volatile acidic components in tobacco by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry selected ion monitoring(GC-MS,SIM)method.


This paper decribes the analysis of trace thiophene in refined benzene with selected ion monitoring technology of GC/MS.


Formaldehyde in food was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selected ion monitor (GC-MS-SIM).


A new method for determination of melamine in milk powder and milk products by gas chromatography-mass spectrum with selected ion monitor(GC-MS/SIM) was established in this paper.


A new method for determination of formaldehyde and sodium bisulfoxylate formaldehyde in flour products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitor(GC/MS/SIM) was presented in the paper.


Selected ion recording(SIR) technique was used in the GC/MS determination of phthalates(DBP and DEHP),present as environmental pollutants in human serum.

采用毛细管柱气相色谱-质谱联用法的选择离子检测(GC-MS-SIR)技术,结合有机溶剂提取,高速离心去蛋白和低温浓缩的方法测定103份健康人血清中酞酸二丁酯(di--nbutyl phthalate,DBP)和酞酸二异辛酯[di-(2-ethyl-hexyl)phthalate,DEHP]。

Capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/ MS) and selected ion recording (SIR) were used to d.

方法 采用毛细管柱气相色谱-质谱联用(gas chromato-graphy-mass spectrometry,GC/MS)选择离子检测(selected ion recording,SIR)技术,结合溶剂浸泡提取的办法。

Detection of two main components of Psoralea corylifolia as additive in the cigarette by SPME-GC-MS-SIM;


Methods The selective ion monitoring mode(SIM) of capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC/MS) coupled with supersonic oscillate, organic solvent extraction and low temperature concentration techniques were used.


Methods The selective ion monitoring mode(SIM) of capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC/MS)coupled with organic solvent extraction and low temperature concentration techniques were used.

方法 采用毛细管柱气相色谱 -质谱联用 (gaschromatography massspectrometry ,GC/MS)的选择离子检测 (selectedionmonitoringmode ,SIM )技术 ,结合有机溶剂回流提取、低温浓缩的前处理方法。

