shore line of submergence



1)shore line of submergence,下沉滨线2)shoreline of submergence,下沉滨线3)subsidence,下沉4)sinking,下沉5)settlement,下沉6)sink,下沉7)subsiding,下沉8)sit,下沉9)gravitate,下沉10)sinkage,下沉


Influence of Titanium Mesh Subsidence on Cervical Curvature and Surgical Effect after Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Reconstructed with Titanium Mesh and Bone Graft;


Time function of surface subsidence based on Logistic growth model;


The whole process of dynamic surface subsidence deformation was divided into such three stages as subsidence development,full subsidence and subsidence attenuation.


Treatment of the sinking of 3 hole-12.0m reinforced concrete bridge at DK56+665m of Tian-Han line in diggings;


In this artcle,the author states main technological problems of sinking,viation rectifying,soil diging and bottom seal.


Sinking of open caisson is the key procedure during construction, success of which will put great positive influence on the execution of the entire project.


Causes of settlement in high embankment and treatment measures;


Dynamic characteristic of track settlement was investigated by combining the vehicle-track coupling vibration model and the track settlement model,and the dynamic response parameters of track structure and the irregularity in the vertical profiles of track were taken as a connection between the two models.


According to some difficulties encountered in the large scale sunk-well construction in sea mucky layer combined with practical work based upon practical settlement control measures are proposed for sunk-well as well as points for attention to resolve those questions.


In the light of the suddenly dangerous situation of foundation sinking during the construction of high-formwork in Shenzhen conference and exhibition center, the split grouting technique is adopted, which strengthens the bearing capacity of foundation, makes the stable foundation not sink, and assures that the top framework construction can be carried through smoothly.


The text introduces several problems of should be noticed during designing gravity type sinking-well in order to ensure the well foundation sunk to the design elevation smoothly.

根据重力式沉井的设计原理 ,论述了为保证沉井基础顺利下沉至设计标高 ,满足设计需要 ,在设计中应注意的几个问题 ,供同行们参

Rectifying deviation and reinforcement of this unsafe building have been successfully completed by way of the diagonal bracing with anchor pile and cutting soil construction, dividingng the building into subsiding section and lifting section.


