absorbed radiant flux



1)absorbed radiant flux,吸收辐射2)absorbed radiation,吸收辐射3)absorbed radiation,吸收辐射<复>4)absorbed radiation energy,吸收辐射能5)absorption of short-wave radiation a surface,地表吸收辐射6)surface absorbed shortwave radiation,短波吸收辐射7)surfaceabsorbed shortwave radiation,地面吸收辐射8)atmospheric absorption of shortwave radiation,大气短波吸收辐射9)earth-atmosphere absorbed shortwave radiation,地-气短波吸收辐射10)absorbed shortwave radiation in the atmosphere-earth system,地-气系统短波吸收辐射


In the context of 1985~1988 ERBE data and 1984~1988 ISCCP satellite albedo and total cloudiness in connection with Qinghai Xizang actinometric measurements, investigation is performed of the climatic retrieval of surface absorbed shortwave radiation (SASWR) in the research highland.


In the context of ERBE,ISCCP data,measured and calculated radiation absorptions at ground level,computation and investigation are performed of the spatial and temporal distribu- tion features of atmospheric absorption of shortwave radiation over China,along with their rela- tions to the affecting factors.

根据 ERBE 和ISCCP 资料,以及实测和计算的地表吸收辐射资料,计算并讨论了我国大气短波吸收辐射的时空分布特征;分析了其与各影响因子的关系。

