


1)sunstone,日长石2)Day length,日长3)daylength,日长4)LOD,日长5)Length of day,日长6)critical daylength,临界日长


The results were as follows: The responses of the fertilities of the wheat nucleus substitution lines of Aegilops Crassa 4X and 6X on day length(DL) were sensitive,and fertilities decreased with DL lengthening.

调查了各点各期的自交结实率 ,结合其拔节至抽穗的日长、旬平均气温分析试验材料与日长、温度的关系。

(2) Agradually increasing daylength (from 13 h 24 min to 14 h 21 min) with a moderately tempera.


Accurate observation of the decade variation in length of day (△LODY)for 1800-1995 has shown that they are most pronouned and well above the observational noise level.

分析了1800 ~1995 年的日长年均值( △ L O D Y) 观测资料表明:日长( △ L O D Y) 的十年波动明显大于观测噪声水平。

With the wind, pressure and sea surface temperature (SST) data provided by NCEP/NCAR reanalysis project and excess length of day (LOD) data provided by International Earth Rotation Service (IERS), atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) and its horizontal and vertical transportation are computed and analyzed, which are in accordance with maintenance of the zonal circulation.

应用NCEP/NCAR 40年再分析计划提供的风场、气压场、海温等资料以及国际地球自转服务局(IERS)提供的日长变化资料,计算大气角动量及其水平、垂直输送,分析其气候及异常特征,发现角动量及其输送与纬向环流的维持相一致,角动量异常与厄尔尼诺事件紧密相关。

the length of day (LOD) method and satellite orbit perturbation (SOP) method to study the long period solid Earth tide Love number k 2.

初步探讨用日长和卫星轨道摄动方法研究半月潮Mf 和月潮Mm 的Love数k2 。

the variation of length of day (LOD) determined by space techniques and the geopotential coefficient ( Δ J 2) derived from satellite laser ranging (SLR), are used to study the decadal fluctuations in LOD.

用高精度的日长资料和由人卫激光测距(SLR) 解算出的地球引力场系数J2 的变化序列ΔJ2 ,证明地球各圈层的物质迁移对日长10 年尺度变化贡献仅占日长10 年尺度变化的4 % ,可以忽略;认为10 年尺度变化主要来源于地球各圈层的内力矩或相对角动量部分,其优点是可以不顾及地球各圈层物质迁移复杂的物理机

The results showed that treatments with short day lengths promoted its flowering and the critical daylength is 15 h (Fig.

对毕氏海蓬子分别进行了不同日照长度处理及不同光周期数的短日照处理 ,发现 :(1)毕氏海蓬子开花的临界日长为 15h ;(2 )在光照 8h/d处理条件下 ,毕氏海蓬子开花所需最少光周期数为 13;(3)经过 13~18个短日照 (8h光照 /d)光周期数处理 ,再移至长日照 (17h光照 /d)条件下 ,有成花逆转现

The results showed that treatments with short day-lengths promoted its flowering and the critical daylength is 15h.


