incubation period



1)incubation period,潜育2)Gleyic features,潜育特征3)incubation period,潜育期4)Latent period,潜育期5)incubation,潜育期6)Gleization,潜育化


Incubation period of apple scab and sporulation quantity of Venturia inaequalis were studied during 2002~2004.


In order to improve the disease control and resistance breeding, the biological characteristics, infection cycle, incubation period and forecast of this disease were summarized, at the same time, the differen-tiation of the physiological races, the inheritance of resistance to this disease and the application of toxins were also dis-cussed in t.

本文主要从应用的角度论述了大豆灰斑病菌(Cercospora sojina Hara)的生物学特性、侵染循环、潜育期以及病害的预测,同时从病原物与寄主相互作用的角度,对大豆灰斑病生理小种的分化、抗性的遗传及代谢毒素等方面进行了综述,以期为该病害的防治及抗病育种研究提供资料与指导。

3x, is obtained from probing the relation between the incubation period of wheat stripe rust and temperature.

通过对小麦条锈病潜育期与温度关系的研究 ,得出了直线方程 y=4 8。

Under the controlled normal(18/ 15 ℃) or high(25/ 25 ℃)temperature,the latent periods of the disease on Chuanmai 107 were at least 2-3 days lon.

tritici)的抗病频率、病害潜育期、病害扩展性、病情指数和千粒重损失率等,结果表明,“川麦107”具有慢锈性,它虽然对42个分属不同生理小种的菌株反应型均为4级,但在常温、高温控制及大田条件下接种条中31、32及混合生理小种后,其病害潜育期均较“铭贤169”等高感品种长3~8 d而与“平原50”等慢锈性品种相当;接种以后,它的剑叶至倒4叶的普遍率虽然与“川麦28”等感病品种无显著差,但这些叶片的病情指数均低于感病品种;与粉锈宁喷雾保护植株相比,“川麦107”在苗期、拔节期接种条中32后,千粒重的损失率为10。

Spore germination,incubation,symptom appearance and control of Alternaria porri were studied.

葱紫斑病的潜育期为3 d,其累积显症率与时间的关系曲线为“倒J”型;百菌清对葱紫斑病菌孢子萌发的抑制效果最好,新万生、大生和杀毒矾的效果次之,而多菌灵、甲基托布津、三唑酮效果较差。

Theincubationperiodofthediseaseis 4~ 5daysundernaturalstate ,andthereislittlediffer enceamongvarieties .


Relationship between active reducing substances, ferrous iron and soil gleization intensity is positive interrelation, while the relationship between the Eh and gleization intensity is negative interrelation.


