Celestial coordinate system



1)Celestial coordinate system,天球坐标2)celestial coordinate system,天球坐标系3)Celestial coordinate system-error,天球坐标系-误差4)degree,天球5)celestial sphere instrument,天球仪6)the celestial sphere and the rivermap,天球河图


The celestial coordinate system is a coordinate system for mapping position in the sky which based on the rotation and revolution around the Sun of the planets.


In this article,“celestial coordinate system”, the difficult point in the teaching of the Conspectus of the Earth, is analysed and studied and three key points are proposed: finding the joint point, establishing an coordinate system mode that can be accepted easily and giving out the basic dots & great circle system very distinctly.

本文主要对《地球概论》中的教学难点“天球坐标系” ,结合教学实践与有关教材进行深入的分析和研究 ,提出突破这一教学难点的 3个关键 :找准衔接点 ;建立易于掌握的坐标系模式 ;清楚地给出基本点和大圆的系统。

According to this model of sphere and to the Conversion standard oflchi = l degree, the author has gained the geometric meaning of the records of "zhang , chi, cu.


In this paper,Qi Yanhuai,an astronomer in the Qing dynasty,and his vertical direct east and west sun dials,transit instrument and celestial sphere instrument were studied in detail.

介绍了清代天文学家齐彦槐的生平及其制作的面东西日晷、中星仪和天球仪等天文仪器 ,进一步探讨了这些天文仪器的制作原理和使用方法 。

