Fertilizer with quick results



1)readily available fertilizer,速效肥料2)Fertilizer with quick results,速效肥料3)rapid effect,速效4)available nitrogen,速效氮5)accelerating effect,加速效应6)available phosphorus,速效磷


A grazed hillslope with four types of vegetation in the Majiasongpo catchment,Xichang,Sichuan Province was investigated to understand the effects of grazing on surface soil organic carbon(SOC),available nitrogen(N) and bulk density.

为了评价表层土壤有机碳和养分对放牧和不同植被类型互作的反应,选择四川省西昌市西溪乡牛郎村马家松坡放牧丘陵坡地,分别在坡顶、上、中、下部各层采集有乔木(桉树)、灌木(米油枝)、草本3种类型植被覆盖以及无植被覆盖的0—5 cm表层土壤,测定分析了土壤容重、土壤有机碳、速效氮含量。

16 g·kg~(-1),available nitrogen decreased 7.


The experiments in pot culture were conducted to study the effects of Anaerobic Fermentation Residues (AFR) on nitrate accumulation in rape and available nitrogen in soil in order to provide new way for the comprehensive utilization of biogas engineering.

研究沼气发酵产生的厌氧发酵残余物 (沼液、沼渣 ,以下简称沼肥 )在培肥土壤过程中土壤速效氮的变化及对油菜硝酸盐含量的影响 ,为沼气综合利用提供新的理论和技术依据。

The accelerating effects of H2 and alloying elements Al, Ni or Fe and the effects of ball milling parameters on synthesis of Ti-C system by MA were studied by means of XRD, SEM, TE.

本研究方向具有巨大的经济效益和社会效益,其创新性成果主要有以下几点: (1)首次研究了Ti-C体系中H_2加速MA合成纳米TiC的机理,发现了H_2在MA合成过程中的催化加速效应; (2)首次研究了合金元素在MA合成纳米TiC过程中的加速效应及其作用机理; (3)初步研究了用石油焦MA合成纳米Ti。

Effects of acidity on determination of available phosphorus in turfgrass soil;


Content of available phosphorus in soil determined by Olsen method and its correlation with soil pH;


Effects of soil covering on solar greenhouse pepper water use efficiency and soil nitrate N and available phosphorus contents;


