A Study of the Sacrificing Relics of Prehistory Discovered in Haidai Area;
According to the defences discovered or not,the prehistory settlments can be fallen into three stages,these are preliminary development stage,rapid development stage and evolution stage.
A Research on the Phenomena of Keeping a Ball in Mouth of the Prehistoric Presidents in the Haidai Region;
According to the recent archaeological excavation of some important sites,such as Jiahu,Shisanzi,Yuchisi,and Longqiuzhuang,etc,this paper gives a preliminary approach on the origin of domestic animals in the prehistoric time at Huaihe River valley.
文章根据新近的贾湖、石山子、尉迟寺及龙虬庄等重要遗址的考古发掘资料 ,对淮河流域史前时期的家畜起源作了初步探讨。
After giving a definition for it,I expoud and prove it s key function in prehistoric archaeology from two aspects.
Prehistoric architecture is the source of architecture, it s development exert a tremendous influence on later architecture.
The information and the materials obtained in the Xinjiang prehistoric archaeology are the most important and the most reliable basis for studies of the western region humanity before the B.
So it is the typical area where the researchof the impact of climatic change on the prehistoric culture of China can be conducted.
From middle stone times LaYiHai culture to bronze times KaYue culture,plentiful and colorful bone product constitute the important connotation of Qinghai prehistoric culture.
The long-standing Three Gorges culture is plentiful and profound,mainly including the following aspects: landscape culture,prehistoric culture,race culture,people s livelihood culture,military culture,religious culture,celebrity culture,folk culture,project culture and emigration culture.