deep seated weathering



1)deep seated weathering,深层风化2)deep weathering,深层风化3)deeply weathered,深层风化;深度风化4)deep formation,深层5)deep layer,深层6)deep,深层7)deep zone,深层8)deep strata,深层9)deep layer gas field,深层气田10)submerged culture,深层培养


Diagenesis and secondary pore development in Paleogene deep formation in Dongying Sag;


Hydrocarbon generation features of deep formation in Dongpu Depression at abnormally high temperature and high pressure;


Petroleum geology characteristics of Kongdian deep formation in Panhe area, Huimin depression;


Processing technology for seismic data from deep layers of Jiyang depression and its application;


Normally,deep layer means the depth more than 3000 m.

深层一般指深度大于 30 0 0m以上的储层 ,深层往往伴随着高温、低孔低渗、有效闭合应力高等特点。

The deep layers of Songliao Basin include Jurassic Huoshiling Formation, Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation and fault-depression stratum ofYingcheng Formation, and Lower Cretaceous depression strata of Denglouku Formation and Mem.

松辽盆地深层包括上侏罗统火石岭组、下白垩统沙河子组、营城组断陷地层和下白垩统登娄库组、泉头组一+ 二段坳陷地层。

The Deep Comprehension in Language Teaching:The Inspiration from Language s Ambiguity;


This paper analyzes the geologic risks of gas exploration in the deep Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the western Sichuan depression, and determines the probability of obtaining discoveries in each prospect through probability statistics.


Through study on gas reservoirs distribution and their reservoir forming conditions,this paper concludes that master controlling factors of deep gas reservoir forming are gas resource,cap rock,fault and unconformity surface.


Noise analysis and suppression during the seismic data acquisition of deep zones in Dongying sag.;


Shengtuo Exploration Area High Temperature and High Pressure Deep Zone Exploring Well Fracturing Practice and Cognitive;


The deep zone of Eogene system in the north Qikou sag is the Es13 zone that buried depth is more than 3500 meter,according to drilling and logging data and the study result of predecessor,result about the rock-electric log mode from core data,and determine the deep zone sedimentary facies and its distributing characteristics,and analysis reservoir characteristics and its control factors.


Distribution characteristics of secondary pore of deep strata in the northern part of Songliao Basin;


Gas accumulation systems and their formation periods in deep strata of east of Daqing Placanticline;


The deep strata are the important targets of hydrocarbon exploration,and the key is how to correctly identify the profitable reservoirs in Shengli petroleum province.

胜利油区深层是油气勘探的重要领域 ,如何识别有利储集层是其关键。

To the feature of containing CO2 or pure CO2 in deep layer gas field of Jilin oilfield, for avoiding corrosion of testing tool, a combining testing sting which composes parts of APR testing tool and a whole APR and perforation combining testing tools are designed.


Technology of submerged culture of Grifola frondosa and its influence factors;


Optimization of submerged culture recipe of Grifola frondosa by uniform design;


Study on the conditions of submerged culture of Grifola frondosa;


