oligotrophic conditions



1)oligotrophic conditions,贫瘠条件2)infertile,贫瘠3)impoverishment,贫瘠4)leanness,贫瘠5)impoverishment,贫瘠化6)sterile soil,贫瘠土壤7)Depletion,贫瘠化8)coastal infertile hill land,贫瘠山地9)submarginal land,贫瘠土地10)Barren resistance,耐贫瘠性


In 1993,the mixed planting test of Pinus massoniana was done in infertile,dry and hot areas with the elevation of 1 000 ~ 1 500 m located at north of Honghe prefecture.


Soil erosion is a main factor of soil degradation of purple soil sloping field in the Three Gorges reservoir area,and therefore it leads to impoverishment of soil nutrient.


At present,there are kinds of different impoverishment to farmland soil in Fujian whose organic matter is not high especially the orchard soil,nitrogen and potassium is most serious,phosphorus and available phosphorus is apparently impoverished in some low Fertilizer soil such as the new fruit soil,while available potassium sees no impoverishment.


Putting soil micro algae which were native to fertile soil into sterile soil, and then culturing them under dark and light conditions separately, the results showed: under dark condition, soil micro algae almost come into dormant state or dead in 30days; under light condition, micro algae increase at some degree in 30 days, and then breed rapidly.

将自然条件下肥沃土壤中的微藻接种到贫瘠土壤中 ,分别在黑暗和光照条件下进行培养 ,结果显示 :黑暗条件下的微藻在 30d内进入休眠状态或死亡 ;在光照条件下 ,微藻的数量在第 30d以后迅速增殖 ,随着藻类的生长 ,土壤pH值也发生了一定变化 ,且藻类数量的变化与土壤有机质和土壤有效磷的变化呈极显著相关 ,说明土壤微藻能改善贫瘠土壤的微生态环境和提高土壤肥力 ,上述结果可为藻类用于农业生产和沙漠治理等提供理论依

The paper fristly compared the fertile soil with the incinerated sterile soil on the number of micro-algae , soil pH value , soil organic matter soil available phosphorus and soil nitrogen.


Study of Soil Nutrient Depletion of Chongqing Based on GIS;


Soil nutrients depletion trend under 4 commercial forests (Cunninghamia lanceilata, Phyllostachy pubescens, Camellia sinensis  and fruit forest) were measured by comparison with broad leaved forest.

以常绿阔叶林为参比 ,分析了红壤上人工杉木林、毛竹林、茶园和果林 4类商品林地土壤养分贫瘠化状况。

