mineral fertilizer



1)mineral fertilizer,矿质肥料2)organic-microbial-mineral fertilizer,有机微生物矿质肥料3)mineral,矿质4)mineral fiber,矿质纤维5)mineral nitrogen,矿质氮6)blended material quality,匀矿质量


With the reactions between NO - 3 and FeSO 4, and between Ca 2+ and NH 4C 2O 4, the system of qualitative verification of mineral fertilizers was completed.

通过硝酸盐与硫酸亚铁、钙离子与草酸铵的反应 ,完善矿质肥料定性鉴定体系 ,改善实验的准确性 ,对提高实验教学质量也是十分有意义的。

The results indicated that mineral element contents of pear fruits such as Ca,Fe,Cr are rich,the contents of TTS and polyphenolic materials are richer,and Vitamin C is lower.

结果表明 ,2种野生砂梨果实都富含矿质元素 ,尤以Ca ,Fe ,Cr最为丰富 ,含有较多的TTS和多酚类物质 ,Vc含量相对较低 。

This paper present a comparison experiment on dense-graded AK-13A asphalt mixture mixed with mineral fiber.


Spatial variability of soil mineral nitrogen of farmlands in different regions of Ningxia;


The content of soil microbial biomass nitrogen(B_N) and its affecting factors were reviewed,the important roles of soil microbial biomass nitrogen in soil nitrogen cycling were described,and the relationships of soil microbial biomass nitrogen with soil mineralizable nitrogen,mineral nitrogen,organic nitrogen and fixed ammonium were emphatically discussed in this paper.


In order to provide a theoretical basis for rice cultivation mode in aerobic soil condition, a field experiment was conducted in Yancheng Academy of Agriculture Science, Jiangsu province from 2005 to 2006 and such parameters were determined as plant biological traits, nitrogen use efficiency differences, mineral nitrogen dynamic changes.


