minor bed



1)minor bed,枯水河床2)low water,枯水3)low flow,枯水4)low-flow,枯水5)granulation,枯水6)Dehydration,“枯水”7)dry season,枯水期8)drought period,枯水期9)low-flow period,枯水期10)low flow,枯水流量


The influence factors of low water based on correlation analysis in karst drainage basin;


Water resources of low water period is only about 18.

6 m3/s,枯水期水资源仅占全年水资源量的18。

Mennwhile,it put forward theIow water forecast method, it is effective for forecasting the low water of river runoff.


Analysis on the period characteristic of low flow in pearl river basin and effect factors;


Factors of low flow analyzed based on gray correlation in Karst Basin;


Preliminary study on karst low-flow,drought and disaster——A case study in Guizhou Province;


A Study on the Postharvest Granulation of Huyou Fruit;


Hu-you fruit was used to study the mechanism of fruit granulation and the effect of treatments on controlling granulation and their physiological basis.


The results showed that the treatment inhibited the granulation of fruit granulation , remained the original qualities and flavor .


Various forms of inorganic nitrogen(N) of surface water were investigated in the Ganjiang River catchments during January(dry season) and July(flood season),2006.


We thought,at the beginning of high water season,the water quality obviously surpassed the end of dry season with the middle level eutrophic status in Shuanglong-lake,while at the end of dry season,it was at light eutrophic status.

对双龙湖枯、丰水期交替期各项水质指标TN、TP、CODm n、Ch la、透明度、浊度等指标进行监测分析,运用富营养化综合评价法对双龙湖营养状态进行评价,认为双龙湖丰水期初期水质优于枯水期末期,处于中营养化水平,枯水期末期处于轻富营养状态。

Introducing the application of auto matic hydrological information acq uisition system(thereaftersystem)in water resources optimizing configuration of Shanmei Reservoir durin g dry season,the author holds some problems of un -completion in parame ters and functions set in system.


The climate characteristics and the incoming flow distribution law during drought period were analyzed in research basin.


This paper firstly determines the Three Gorges monthly water flow output of dif-ferent hydrological years by using compensative scheduling calculation, taking into consideration of natural enhancement of inflows to the Three Gorges reservoir during drought period due to joint operation of main reservoirs located on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.


Sulfur isotopic compositions of Wujiang River water in Guizhou Province during low-flow period;


Application of low flow duration analysis to the dynamic economical calculation of small hydraulic power stations;


The paper approaches and analyzes the application of linear regression method,Muskingum method and method of confluence coefficient to the calculation of low flow of Ning-Meng section of the Yellow River based on the principle of hydrology of flow routing and taking a day as time step.


