monsoon currents



1)monsoon currents,季风洋流2)monsoon current,季风洋流3)monsoon,季风4)season wind,季风5)winter monsoon,冬季风6)monsoon system,季风系统7)monsoon climate,季风气候8)East Asia monsoon,东亚季风9)summer monsoon,夏季风10)East Asian Monsoon,东亚季风


ZHENG He s Cognition And Utilization of Monsoon and Ocean Current During His Sailing;


Process of monsoon variations of the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau from the loess record of Lonxi Basin since the last interglacial epoch;


Some New Problems and New Methods in the Monsoon Study—An Introduction to the Special Issue;


Impact of ENSO Events on East Asian Winter Monsoon;


Studies on loess sections through Loess Plateau in Central China suggested that >30 μm size fraction is a sensitive proxy of winter monsoon strength for central part of loess plateau.

通常把>30 μm颗粒含量作为冬季风的替代指标。

The Modaomen estuarine circulation under a winter monsoon is discussed based on the synchronously surveyed data of spring tide and moderate tide during Dec.


It is revealed that droughts often occur in the cold periods while floods in the warm,indicating the monsoon climate change.


Seasonal variations of particulate matter and diatom fluxes in the northern South China Sea during 1987-1988 were overwhelmingly controlled by monsoon climate.

南海北部1987年9月~1988年10月沉积物捕获器中颗粒物质和硅藻通量的季节性 变化受到季风气候的控制。

The influence of the monsoon climate on the isotopic composition of precipitation is discussed based on the accumulated data in China.


The results of monitoring the ecological transect in East Asia monsoon region by normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) indicated the presence of a close relationship between the NDVI of each ecological belt and the advance and retreat of the East Asia monsoon.


Also compared the simulation results for high and low air levels with NCEP re-analysis data to check the simulation ability of REMO for East Asia monsoon.

将欧洲区域气候模式REMO首次应用于东亚区域, 利用该模式对 1980 年和 1990 年东亚季风季节变化进行了模拟研究, 并将模拟结果与NCEP再分析资料进行比较, 以检验该模式对东亚季风的模拟能力。

In 1993, the East Asia monsoon is weak and its onset is late, the precipitation of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau mainly o.


Relationship between summer drought-flood distribution in East Asia region and breaking out time of South China Sea summer monsoon;


The Predictive Conceptional Model Of GUANGXI Summer Monsoon Anomaly;


The study shows,the five CPS all forecast well in predicting summer monsoon,while their precipitation f.


Exploring High-Resolution Records of the Holocene East Asian Monsoon from Mud Sediments on Shelves of China Marginal Seas;


Sedimentary Characteristic of Terrigenous Clast of Site MD05-2905 in the Northeastern Part of South China Sea after 36ka and Evolution of East Asian Monsoon;

南海东北部MD05-2905站36ka BP以来的陆源碎屑沉积特征与东亚季风的演化

Dominant empirical mode of wind fields over east Asian monsoon region anomaly and its connection with ENSO;


