paleophytic era



1)paleophytic era,古植物代2)palaeophytic era,古植物代3)archeophytic era,太古植物代4)archaeophytic era,太古植物代5)palaeovegetation,古植被6)paleovegetation,古植被7)ancient vegetation,古植被8)Palaeo-vegetation,古植被9)fossil plants,古植物10)plant fossils,大古植物


Palynological assemblages and palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate of the Holocene in eastern Shanghai;


Evolution of Palaeovegetation and Palaeoenvironment of Pleistocene on the Basis of Spore-Pollen Analysis in the Shanghai Region;


Palynological Assemblages of Pleistocence from Shanghai Region and Its Palaeovegetation and Palaeoclimate;


The data of spore-pollen offered the palynological information for stratigraphic division and correlation and for reconstruction of paleovegetation,paleoclimate.

通过对上海地区斜土路 2号孔晚第四纪地层的孢粉研究 ,划分出了晚第四纪 8个孢粉组合带 ,并结合邻近钻孔孢粉研究资料 ,恢复了该区植被演替、气候波动的六个阶段 ,这种气候波动不仅与世界性气候变化一致 ,而且其波动曲线也与海平面变化相吻合 ,从而为本地区进行地层年代划分和对比提供可靠的证据 ,为本地区晚第四纪古植被、古气候、古环境的重建提供了丰富的孢粉学资

According to these data together with the sporopollen assemblage data from the Xining-Minhe basin, Lunpola basin, Namlin basin and Weihe basin, the authors analyzed the evolution of the Late Cenozoic paleovegetations and paleoenvironment on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and in its a.


Based on the U-series dating and sporo-pollen analysis, this paper presents a discussion on the paleovegetation and paleoclimate of the Buqu Basin and its adjacent regions during the interval 88.

结合孢粉分析结果 ,本文探讨了青海省西部地区通天河及布曲流域晚更新世早中期的古植被与古气候。

A preliminary study of ancient vegetation in Xishui Swan Pool;


In this paper, the vertical evolution characteristics of palaeo-vegetation, palaeoclimate and palaeo-environment in Tuha basin are probed through the study of the Jurassic palynoflora, special lithology, and the distribution law of elements and clay mineral in argillaceous rock.


This paper presents the high-resolution sequence of vegetation change of the last inter-glacial period in Xishan Mountain,Beijing by pollen analysis and thermoluminescent dating technology with reconstruction of the palaeo-vegetation and palaeo-environment of this region.


The fossil plants were very rich in different strata of geological age, such as Bennettites, Baiera, Ginkgo, Cycas and Gigantopterides, etc.


