gridding fracture



1)gridding fracture,共轭断裂2)Latitudinal tectonics X conjugated rupture,X共轭断裂3)conjugate,共轭4)conjugated,共轭5)Conjugation,共轭6)conjugacy,共轭


Desingnning tooth profile and "big circular arc" fitting on the "circle tooth profile-conjugated curve" internal gear pump;


Conjugate properties of exponent of conjugate convex function on B_0-type spaces;


Analysis of the Conjugate Mechanism of Enterprise Growth Path Basing on System Theory;


Establishment of mouse forestomach neoplasia model induced by benzopyrene and chemopreventive effects of conjugated linoleic acid;


Thirty three women(age 48 a± s 5 a) were treated for three periods with 17 β E 2 1 mg, ро ,qd,and fifty one women (age 48 a±5 a) were treated three periods with conjugated estrogen for 0.

方法 :84例患有更年期综合征的妇女分 2组 ,试验组 33例 ,年龄 4 8a±s5a ,服用 17 β 雌二醇1mg ,po ,qd ,共 3个周期 ,对照组 5 1例 ,年龄 4 8a±5a ,服用共轭雌激素 0 。

v are conjugated pairs.

在这篇文章中 ,作者探讨了F1u ,v和F0u ,v中的具有相同的长度的字是一对共轭对 。

Studies on the Reaction of the Rearrangement of Non-Conjugation Alkene by Microwave;


The conjugations between cyclopropane ring andoxazole rings were found and the reason why these compounds have low fluorescence quantum yieldswas explicated.


At the same time owing to the phase plate is nestled closely to the hologram,when the hologram is decoded,the phase plate only has need to 2D or 1D adjust,the conjugation reconstruction of original object light is gotten.

本文提出紧贴加密的新方法 ,将加密位相板紧贴全息干版 ,使全息记录的物光和参考光同时获得位相调制 ,不但提高了全息图的防伪能力 ,而且由于位相板紧贴全息图 ,解密时对位相板只需进行二维甚至一维的调节 ,即可获得原物光的共轭再现 ,避免了对位相板繁琐的多维复原调节 ,增强了实用性。

In GL(4,Z),with respect to conjugacy,there are at least 16 non cyclic subgroups of order 6.

从共轭的角度得到了GL(4 ,Z)中至少有 16个不共轭的 6阶非循环子

With respect to conjugacy,the cyclic subgroups of order 6 contained in GL(4,Z) are discussed.

从共轭的角度讨论了GL(4,Z)的 6阶循环子

With respect to conjugacy,the subgroups of order 2 and 3 contained in GL(4,Z)are determined.


