alpine silicated raw soil



1)alpine silicated raw soil,高山硅酸盐粗骨土2)high-mountain,高山3)high mountain,高山4)high mountains,高山5)mountain,高山6)alp,高山7)edelweiss,高山8)Alpine and sub-alpine meadow,高山亚高山草甸9)alpine meadow,高山草甸10)Mountain wetland,高山湿地


The acidity characteristics and acidification buffering capacity of total suspended particles(TSP) collected respectively in a high-mountain area and an urban area of Fujian Province during the spring of 2003 were analyzed.


The acidity characteristics and acidification buffering capacity of total suspended particles (TSP) collected respectively in a high-mountainous area and an urban area of Fujian Province during Spring of 2003 were analyzed.


Application of metal-structure house in high mountain telecommunication microwave station;


Television towers on high mountain was a kind of representative structure of tower mast structure.


25BZ]Some experience in obtaining low grounding resistance in weathered rocky soil on high mountains is concluded through the design and construction practice of cutting down grounding resistance in lightning protection project of the Yaoshan Base Station, which is at an elevation of 713m, of Guilin TV Launching pad and China Mobil Co.


This paper discusses the reason of more water (precipitation, run-off, glacier) in high mountains than in low lands.


Introduction Trial of Cherry Tomato Cultivars in the Mountains;


And it is suitable for developing autum vegetables in the mountains where the summer is cooler.


Continuous field experiment was carried out on alpine meadow along different elevation gradient in Qilian Mountains during the growing season of 2004 using a soil respiration chamber(Li-6400-09) connected to a portable photosynthesis system(Li-6400).


),which is covered with alpine meadow,located in the middle reaches of the upper Heihe River,one of the long inland river in Northwest China.


The results showed that in 0-10 cm soil layer,the biomass,length density,surface area density,and volume density of living fine roots were all decreased in the order of evergreen broadleaf forest<dwarf forest<coniferous forest<alpine meadows,with significant differences(P<0.

结果表明:0~10 cm土壤活细根生物量、活细根根长密度、活细根表面积密度、活细根体积密度均是常绿阔叶林<矮林<针叶林<高山草甸,各群落间呈现极显著差异(P<0。

The wetland in Dajiu Lake is the highest mountain wetland in elevation within the boundaries of Hubei Province.


