desiccation crack



1)desiccation crack,干裂隙2)mud crack,干裂隙3)dominant fracture,主干裂隙4)main fracture network,主干裂隙网络5)principal fractures and network fractures,主干裂隙和网络状裂隙6)desiccation crack,干裂7)checking,干裂8)mud crack,干裂9)sun crack,干裂10)season crack,干裂


Flow in the dominant fracture system is described by a distinct medium model, while flow in the network fracture system is described by a continuous medium model, and the two models are coupled together by hydraulic head and flux.


Fractures in a rock mass can be divided into dominant fracture system and network fracture system.


In terms of seepage characteristic in fracture network of rock mass, three dimensional seepage model in main fracture network of rock mass is constructed.

针对岩体主干裂隙网络渗流特征 ,建立了岩体三维主干裂隙网络渗流模型 ,运用有限元数值方法 ,结合算例分析了坝基岩体主干裂隙网络渗流问题。

Test results show that:if the sand content in clay is in the range of 30% to 40%,the mixture after compaction will obtain low hydraulic conductivity and low shrinkage potential,so the desiccation cracking problem of compacted clay lin.

试验结果表明 :当粘土中加砂量为 30 %~ 4 0 %时 ,混合土料击实后可同时获得低透水性和低收缩势 ,从而可较好地解决填埋场施工过程中压实粘土衬垫的干裂问题 ;当土料防渗、收缩特性在低压实能下不能满足要求时 ,可通过提高压实能加以改

