wind rotation



1)wind rotation,风向转变2)wind shift,风向转变3)fly about,风向转变4)wind shift line,风向转变线5)Turning height of wind direction,风向转变高度6)wind direction,风向7)direction of wind,风向8)wind direction frequency,风向频率9)surface wind direction,地面风向10)wind direction decision,风向判别


Moreover,the influence of wind direction,wind speed,weather,seasons and the breakdown in production on the living area′s ordor pollution is discussed.


PM 10 samples from eight wind directions were collected with ACCU(Automatic Cartridge Collection Unit)method for 3 months on one monitoring site in Wusong industry area of Shanghai,and PM 10 concentrations were measured in samples and 18 inorganic elements concentrations were measured by PIXE(proton-induced X-ray emission) method.

[方法 ]在上海市吴淞工业区选择一个监测点 ,使用自动滤式颗粒物收集仪 (automaticcartridgecollectionunit,ACCU)系统进行为期 3个月、8个不同风向的PM10 采样。

CFD numerical simulation coupling with the wind direction frequency weighted(WDFW) method was carried out based on the conditions that were measured.


The relationship between surface wind direction and air pollutant concentration in Shanghai is studied.

利用 2 0 0 0年 6月至 2 0 0 2年 1 2月上海地区空气污染物浓度和地面风向资料 ,统计了月平均污染物浓度随偏西风频率的分布 ,两者具有一致的趋势。

The wind direction decision and the uniqueness of the result in the triangle network;


