landcapability map



1)landcapability map,地力图2)land capacity,地力3)land productivity,地力4)making the best use of land,尽地力5)Soil fertility exhaustion,地力衰竭6)farmland productivity,耕地地力


Valuation of cropland capacity classes in Guangdong;


A preliminary study on the land capacity change of twelve returning cultivated land to forest models in Xichong county of southeastern Yunnan was conducted by ocean weather station observation.


The results showed that the land capacity of rendzina is the highest and the land capacity of terra rossa is higher,which resulted by closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation for many years of rendzina,and balance fertilizing of terra rossa.


Using soil types as evaluation units and their yield as a basis, the cultivated land productivity grade system of Shandong Province is estab.

合理利用和保护耕地是我国的基本国策 ,本研究基于农业部“全国耕地类型区、耕地地力等级划分”标准 ,通过NOAA气象卫星图像分析 ,将山东省耕地划分为 2个耕地类型区和 4个亚区。

The development of defensive measures and the progress of defensive abilities reflect in four aspects: defensive measures of "making the best use of land",grain reserves of fair deal for famine,defensive project against disaster such as canalizing and irrigating,and defensive measures against flood such as damming and planting.


The aim of this paper is to study how to evaluate farmland productivity through the combination of GIS technology with traditional methods of evaluating soil productivity.


Results show that AHP adapt to judge the weight of each evaluation factor and intergraded to quantificational and qualitative in evaluation of farmland productivity.


