bottom clay



1)bottom clay,底粘土2)bottom clay,底部粘土3)coal clay,root clay,seat clay,seat earth,thill,underclay,underearth,warrant,底粘土<地>4)lacustrine clay,湖底粘土5)clay soil base,粘性土底板6)submarine soft soil,海底软粘土


Based on this the regulation of bottom clay deformation,development of fractured zone and seepage of failure clay layer is summarized.


We tried to adopt equivalent infiltration theory to calculate the area of clay soil base equally to that of clay less soil close-by limestone base, when we employed analytical method to calculate how much water gushing from the mime walls where there was clay soil close-by limestone.

文章以德保铝土矿巴头矿段为例 ,在采用分析计算法计算矿体底板有粘性土与下伏灰岩相隔部分的矿坑涌水量时 ,尝试采用等效渗透原理 ,把粘性土底板面积等效为无粘性土相隔的灰岩底板面积计算。

By the tests in situ of submarine soft soil in Qinzhou Gulf and sampling laboratory experiments, the article lays emphasis on introducing basic physical and mechanical characteristics such as plasticity index, lateral pressure index, lateral pressure coefficient and pore water pressure.

该文通过钦州湾海底软粘土原位测试、取样室内试验 ,重点介绍基本物理指标、可塑性指标、力学性质指标及侧压力、侧压力系数、孔隙水压力试验成果 ,孔隙水压力U、轴向应变ε1 、侧压力σ3及侧压力系数K随时间t变化的试验成果。

