The effects of volatiles from Barbarea vulgaris plants on choice response of Plutella xylostella female moths;
Effects of Barbarea vulgaris on the development and oviposition preference of Plutella xylostella;
In laboratory and greenhouse experiments, we evaluated the potential of a wild crucifer, Barbarea vulgaris G-type, to allure and serve as a dead-end trap crop for the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella.
本文以欧洲山芥Barbarea vulgaris G型、甘蓝、白菜—小菜蛾Plutella xylostella中国杭州种群为研究对象,定量测定了欧洲山芥在实验条件下对小菜蛾的诱杀效应,并探讨了其对小菜蛾的引诱机制。