Influence of time factor on the dissolution of wax framework sustained-released tablets;
Fatty Acids and Waxes in Kernel of Myrica rubra;
Wax and Cuticle of Peanut Seed Coat in Relat ion to Infection and Aflatoxin Production by Asperillus flavus;
Studies on the properties of the homegrown waxy corn starch paste;
The properties of waxy corn starch were investigated, comparing with corn starch and potato starch.
Moreover, the effect of Compritol 888 contents was more signif.
On comparison of extraction methods of epicuticular wax and content of rice leaves;
Plant epicuticular wax is a collective term used to describe the organic components of the cuticle which covers the outer surface of aerial plant tissues.
The epicuticular wax acts as the first protective barrier against UV radiation, bacterial and fungal attacks and regulates non-stomatal water loss.
The waxy gene is the key gene of the amylase synthesis.
We have previously reported that a 31 bp DNA fragment within the 5 upstream region of rice waxy gene could interact specifically with nuclear proteins extracted from immature rice seeds.
在水稻蜡质基因5’上游区中一段31bp 核苷酸序列能与水稻未成熟种子核蛋白特异结合。
4 kb (-2118~+1291 bp) sequence located upstream of translationalstart site of rice waxy gene is sufficientto drive the expression of the GUS reporter gene in rice immature embryos.
Study on effect of detection of Wx gene in non-glutinous rice of Oryza sativa L. Indica by STS molecular marker;
After analyzing glutinous rice waxy gene sequence reported by previous studies, two pairs of dominant and codominant STS molecular markers based PCR were designed for distinguishing glutinous rice, according to the distinctions between glutinous rice wx gene and nonglutinous rice Wx gene.
Two chimeric plasmids with Wx gene promoter(from O.
以前的研究结果表明 ,非糯性的稻米中直链淀粉的含量与各品种中蜡质基因 (Wx)第 1内含子被剪接的效率有关 ,即剪接效率高的品种直链淀粉含量也高。