Effects of Chinese medicine S-anti-virus composite mixture on hematology of infectious laryngotracheitis in peafowls;
Preventive and therapeutic effects of Chinese medicine S-kangdu mixture on infectious laryngotracheitis;
Studies on the Inherent Stability of Recombinant Fowl Pox Virus Expressing Glycoprotein B of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus;
Effect of ILT Vaccination on Red Blood Cell Immune Function in Chicken;
The birds of group 2 were inoculated with ILT vaccine;Group 3 was inoculated with ILT vaccine and injected with Chinese herbal medicine immunopotentiator Ⅰ simultaneously;Group 4 was injected with Chinese herbal medicine immunopotentiator Ⅱ along with the ILT vaccination.
在试验仔鸡 45日龄时 ,2组免疫传染性喉气管炎 (ILT)疫苗 ,3组免疫ILT疫苗同时肌肉注射中药免疫增强剂Ⅰ ,4组免疫ILT疫苗同时肌肉注射中药免疫增强剂Ⅱ。
The birds of group Ⅱ were inoculated with ILT vaccine; Group Ⅲ was inoculated with ILT vacine and injeced Chinese herbal immunopotentiator Ⅰ simultaneously; Group Ⅳ was injected with Chinese herbal immunopotentiator Ⅱ along with the ILT vaccination.
The safety of recombinant fowlpox virus (rFPV-gB-F) expressing glycoprotein B (gB) gene of infectious larngotracheitis virus (ILTV) and F gene of Newcastle disease Virus(NDV) were evaluated.