The effects of water dispersible granules of Bacillus thuringiensis Kenyan strain on the adult and nymphae of Plodia interpunctella larvae,Tribolium confusum larvae,and Liposcelis bostrychophila were studied.
1% of Plodia interpunctella.
2%和谷蠹种群的25%;浓度为1 280 mg/kg时可杀死印度谷蛾种群的73。
Studies on the bionomics of Tinea metonella Pierce et Metcalfe and its control;
New Tineid Genus and Species (Lepidoptera, Tineidae) from China;
中国谷蛾一新属新种 (鳞翅目:谷蛾科)(英文)
A New Species of Crypsithyris Meyrick (Lepidoptera:Tineidae) from China;
A New Species of Crypsithyris Meyrick (Lepidoptera:Tineidae) from China;
A new genus Unilepidotricha gen.
本文记述地谷蛾亚科Meessiinae的1新属:合腺地谷蛾属Unilepidotricha gen。