In this paper, the auther expounds quartz thermoluminescence?sample collect?thermoluminescence dating and annual dose in loess and paleosoil.
阐述了黄土中石英的热释光、样品制备、热释光测年及年剂量等问题 ,对陕西北部洛川黄土中古土壤样品及资料进行了分析和研究 ,在古土壤中石英颗粒的热释光测定 ,得到了满意的结
Many kinds of paleosoils develop in the coal measures of Carboniferous and Permian in southern Hebei, China.
Late Quaternary Buried Paleosols and Their Parent Materials in the Yangtze Delta;
Late Pleistocene Paleosols and Soil-forming Environment at the Southern Flank of the Yangtze Delta;
Particle-size Features of Chuodun Paleosol and Identification of Its Parent Material;
Features and significance of paleosols from the Upper Triassic of Jiyuan,Henan;
Theoretical drawbacks exist in researching the uplift of Qinghai Tibetan Plateau by use of paleosols .
研究表明古土壤在青藏高原隆升研究中理论上存在缺陷 ,同时指出运用古土壤指示环境变化与高原隆升中土壤发生学上易出现的几个研究陷阱 ,如古土壤的多元发生、异源母质、发生特性的多因素成因与分异、古土壤与现代土壤类型的可比性与精准性等。
, paleosols and their record of environmental change, soil evolution since the appearance of human civilization and the main trend of soil and environmental changes in the future.
文章从古土壤及其环境信息、人类文明以来的土壤变化以及未来土壤环境变化的一些趋势 3方面进行综述。
Clay minerals and surface chemical characteristics of soils developed under a palaeosol in lower West Mountain area of Beijing.;
The significance of ecological system trace fossils--Palaeosol;
On the basis of analyses and introduction on recognition,division of types,research method and research significance of palaeosol, reviewed emphases on properties of macro- texture and micro- texture and properties of mineralogy and geochemistry of palaeosol.