Analysis of disturbed soil with natural moisture and air-dried soil shear strength;
The maximum dry densities obtained by two standard compaction methods, the watering method and water-reducing method, are of great differences.
Rice bud seed mixed with dry soil powder can reduce their internal cohesion force and the adhesion force acted on the surface of a seeder parts, can increase dispersion coefficient, and decrease the broken seed rate when seeding.
水稻芽种拌入一定量的干土粉后可以减小芽种之间相互粘连 ,降低芽种与播种机各部件接触表面之间的粘附力 ,提高机械播种精度和降低播种过程中的种子损伤率。
This paper analyzed the distribution and depth types of white dry horizon depth and adjustment of soil water,probed into the effect of the white dry horizon on agricultural Production and advanced the way to improve and use it.