This thesis provides a complete solutiom of many-body dynamics problems and supplies proof of this solution theoretically.
Modeling of Positioning Error for Five-Axis NC Machining Center Based on Multi-body System Theory;
Parametric modeling technique for multi-body system simulation platform;
Improvement and simulation of Mid-point mensuration for multi-body system;
By using the genetic algorithm with a many-body Gupta potential, the structures and stabilities of aluminum and nickel clusters and small aluminum-nickel nanoalloy clusters are studied.
In this paper, with a genetic algorithm we study the structures andstabilities of aluminum and nickel clusters and aluminum-nickelnanoalloy clusters, modeled by many-body Gupta potential, It makesclear that for pure nickel clusters, the lowest structures are based onicosahedral packing, while the pure aluminum clusters tend to formamorphous structures.