Architectural Thinking in Phenomenology The Thermal Bath Vals by Peter Zumthor;
瑞士瓦尔斯温泉浴场 建筑设计中的现象学思考
Determination of Potassium,Sodium,Calcium,Manganese and Zinc in the First Hot Spring of Yue Dong by FAAS;
Changes and harmfulness of Radon concentration within water-vapor transform process in hot spring at granite area of Guangdong Province;
Research on development of hot spring industry in Guangdong;
Identification of mantle origin of geothermal spring gases in Hengjing area in south Jiangxi province;
Approach of origin of Longmen thermal spring in Luoyang;
Study on the Thermal Spring Character of Isotope and Element Hydrogeochemistry in Daocheng, Sichuan;
The Spas Water quality analysis of PLA Sanatorium in Lintong;
Strategy Research on Spa Tourism Exploitation in Midwest China;
Objective Studing varieties of the Spas water quality at each season.
The Tourism Exploitation and Brand Construction of Fuzhou s Hotspring;
The studies and experiments show that the cause is the hotspring 90 m under the base.
通过大量试验和研究 ,分析得出距坝基 90m以下的温泉承压热水是产生抬升的根本原
The Lianghekou hotspring taste well and is considered as standards mineral drinking water as its content of metasillicio acid is 31.
The geothermal warm spring is all over the Taiwan.
台湾岛内地热温泉遍布 ,全省共有温泉区 98处 ,在中央山脉及其周边地区分布尤为集中。
Throughit foun that in the sediment of Jimo Warm Spring,autogenetic minerals relevant to the highly mineralized water like gypsum and salt rock had a certain distribution and cmollusa and microfossils lack near the exit of warm spring, but had a large distribution in farther area.
And there are many warm springs.
海螺沟地质公园地质遗迹景观资源十分丰富 ,分布广泛 ,类型多样 ,以世界同纬度最低海拔现代冰川和温泉景观为代表 ,具有极高的科学考察价值。