Teaching assistants(TA) play a major role in the educational process in the universities in the United States.
Any faculty member can be addressed as "Professor," regardless of whether he or she holds the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or full Professor.
Liz was an assistant professor of biology at a university in California.
This abridged English version is also written by the author who is Assistant Professor and Co-ordinator, Asian Languages and Cultures Academic Group (Chinese), National Institute of Education, NTU.
·作者为南洋理工大学国立教育学院。 中文系助理教授兼助理主任。
(The witer is an assistant professor at the NTU's School of Communication Studies.)
(The author is Asst. Prof., School of Computer Engineering, NTU.
Ming Zhang is Assistant Professor of Community &Regional Planning at the University of Texas at Austin .
Here is an article posted on the Apple Daily by Professor Bruce Yuan-Hao Liao, Assistant Professor of Law in the School of Law in the Soochow University.
The Chronicle Almanac shows that new assistant professors in foreign language earned 48,000 dollars last year.
The Chronicle Almanac shows that new assistant professors in foreign language earned forty-eight thousand dollars last year.
Associate Professor Tuan Nguyen from the Garvan Institute believes prevention is the way to go.
Li: You ever served as an assistant professor at West Point, I wonder how are your students doing and what subject did you teach?
These small classes are taught by professor's assistants.
the professor's clarification helped her to understand the textbook.
assistant professor
he goes to professor Smith for suggestions.
In colleges and universities faculty members should have the title of professor (of the first, second or third grade), associate professor, lecturer or teaching assistant.
Professor Chang is working with his two new assistants in the physical laboratory at the moment.
Their reason was this: Since they were all students, those in charge should not discriminate.Why were the other sections taught by associate professors while Section Four was assigned to a teaching assistant?