In this paper a brief description of application of the operation research to overseas timber transportation is given.
In our country the timber transportation management was executed by certificating of timber transportation system.
Based on the analysis and the characteristics of timber transportation,the mixed transportation model was built with nonstop and secondary transportation.
Through analysis and evaluation on four kinds of wood transportation models commonly used in our country s southern artificial forest area,the result shows that under the same operation conditions,the economic benefits,ecologic benefits,social benefits and comprehensive benefits of different operation models of different wood transportation are different.
If this system can be produced in batches and applied into practice,it would be helpful to promoting the supervision level of the forestry department of county government over lumber logistics and cracking down effectively on illegal wood transportation.
应用GPS接收板、GPRS MODEM、微程序控制器3个模块研制了木材物流车载定位仪,如能批量生产并投入应用,将能提高县林业局对木材物流的监管力度,有效地打击非法木材运输。
Black Sea Timber Charter Party
lumber freeboard mark of tropical zone
Chamber of Shipping Baltic Wood Charter Party
Study on County-level Timber Transportation Management System in Fujian Province
Chamber of Shipping Baltic Wood Charter Party 1973
Function of Timber Transport Certificate in Forest Resource Management;
Application of Genetic Algorithms in Timber Transportation Problem
Ways to Strengrh the Transportation Management of Wood in Forest Area of Daxinganlin Mountains of Inner Mongolia
In case of forging the tree cutting license, timber transport documentation, export approval documentation and import and export permit certificate
In case of forging the tree cutting license, timber transport documentation, export approval documentation and import and export permit certificate, the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with.
The timber inspection post shall have the right to stop the transport of timber without transport documentation or the allocation and transfer notice issued by competent materials authorities.
In the movement of logs by water the lumber industry was greatly helped by alligators.
Article 37 The transport timber out of forest districts, it shall be necessary to present the transport documentation issued by the competent forestry authorities with the exception of timber uniformly allocated and transferred by the State.
第三十七条 从林区运出木材,必须持有林业主管部门发给的运输证件,国家统一调拨的木材除外。
The transport timber out of forest districts, it shall be necessary to present the transport documentation issued by the competent forestry authorities with the exception of timber uniformly allocated and transferred by the State.
bob sleigh
In older stems, only the most recent rings of xylem participate in the transport of materials. These make up the sapwood.
Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials
Nanyozai Charter Party