Effects of Ce on spreadability of Sn-Cu-Ni lead-free solder and mechanical properties of soldered joints;
Effects of Ce on physical properties and spreadability of Sn-Cu-Ni solder;
The results show that silver filler metals with excellent spreadability and sound mechanical properties of brazed joint can be developed by optimizing the compositions of silver filler metals with gallium.
The properties of 16 kinds of organic activator were tested by means of witting angle and spreading property.
By means of optical microscopy, electrical conductivity measuring device and temperature measuring device, the microstructure, electrical conductivity ,solidus temperature, spreading property of solder were analyzed.
Compared with polycrystalline Cu, the as-cast single crystal copper shows better plasticity and extensibility, and has a lower electricity resistance.
结果表明 :和多晶铜相比 ,单晶铜在铸态时具有良好的塑性和较低的电阻率 ,并具有优异的室温延展性 ,其延伸率可达 6 10 0 %以上 ;冷拉拔加工后单晶铜表现出更大的加工硬化现象 ,但采用合理的退火工艺可使其加工硬化得到缓解。