resonant-mode analysis



1)resonant-mode analysis,共振模分析2)resonance,共振3)sympathetic vibration,共振4)Resonance vibration,共振5)resonant vibration,共振6)Resonant,共振7)synchronous vibration,共振8)cooscillation,共振9)covibration,共振10)delta resonance,共振


Influence of resonance on the partial abrasion of rod string in screw pump well;


Research on Application of Resonance on Strengthening and Polishing of Workpieces with Complicated Surfaces;


Establishment of resonance frequency range for three dimensional metal-rubber vibration insulator;


It is the gas that drives the exciter and accomplishes sympathetic vibration to make stickup layer break off then achieve the goal of clear for tramcar.


The measures for strengthening the structure are put for ward in order to avoid the sympathetic vibration.

基于振动学原理 ,介绍了使用ANSYS软件分析QHD32 6动力模块由于发电机组引起的振动响应 ,并对结构进行了加强 ,避免了共振的发

The combined bend moment calculation formula of dangerous section during chimney sympathetic vibration is listed.

简述钢制烟囱的横向振动机理 ,列出烟囱共振时在危险截面的组合弯矩计算公式 ,提出防止烟囱共振的几点建议。

Vibration analysis and resonance vibration abatement of pushing coke pole;


The milling system vibration features when the rolling vibration system was in resonance vibration with the main parameters were analyzed,especially the quasi-periodic and chaotic vibrations of the vibration system with excitation parameters.


Aiming at problems of resonance vibration during maglev trains suspending or loading on the steel track frame,series of analysis are made.


Analysis of explosion of temporary flushing piping for 900 MW supercritical unit ——Discussion on resonant vibration of piping wall;


The paper gives an analysis of the certainty of resonant vibration produced in double shafts linear vibration screen during operation.

根据双轴直线振动筛的工作原理和振动特性曲线, 分析了双轴直线振动筛在工作过程中产生共振的必然性, 提出了消除共振的方法, 实践证实, 反接制动法是一种消除直线振动筛共振的有效方法。

The causes of explosion are fatigue failure due to resonant vibration.

经分析,爆漏原因为共振引起疲劳失效,此类振动疲劳损坏也曾在多台300 MW机组锅炉的后烟道前墙上部悬吊拉稀光管上发生,通过采取分组加固措施,可防止发生类似爆漏,效果明显。

The scheme is based on atomcavity resonant interaction.


To characterize some properties of these 2-resonant hexagonal systems in which any two interior hexagons have no common edge,and offer a kind of method to construct this kind of hexagonal system.


We investigate the free-free transition in the presence of the resonant bichromatic laser field.

研究了双色共振激光场中电子原子碰撞的自由 自由跃迁过程 利用三能级模型和旋转波近似得到了靶原子的波函数 ,在波恩近似的基础上进一步导出了多道碰撞的微分截面公式 利用此公式计算了共振激光场中的激发碰撞对整个的碰撞贡

