In Sun Zi Art of War,the supreme end of war is to “keep the country at peace and protect the people”,and Sun Zi s superexcellent theory,“subdue the enemy without fighting”,is to serve this end.
在《孙子兵法》中 ,战争的最高目的是“安国保民”,孙子最卓越的理论“不战而屈人之兵”即是服务于这一目的的 ;在战争胜负的主宰上 ,人“能为胜败正”;在战争准备、实施过程中极为重视人的积极能动作用 ;对战争给人民带来的苦痛给予了充分的关注 ;并提倡优待俘虏。
It can be said that our country is enjoying stability and prosperity and the people are living in peace.
It was a time of undisputed peace and profound royalist security;
Only with social stability can we develop economy, education and cultural affairs so that people can live a happy life.
"Nations cannot produce on a level to sustain their people and well-being unless they have reasonable opportunities to trade with one another.
"Although I had come across the above examples by chance, they encapsulated a common truth: that racial harmony augurs well for the welfare of the people and the well-Being of the nation."
Despite Marco Polo's tales of peace and prosperity, all was not quite so quiet as it appeared.
Of or relating to Thailand or its peoples, languages, or cultures.
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Residents′ Perception and Attitudes on Tourism Festival of World Heritage Destinations--A Case Study of the International Mountain Tai Climbing Festival;
Look for the Urban Business Card Lost--During the Late Qing Dynasty in Tai an City Buildings Visited Research;
A member of a Tai-speaking people who constitute the predominant ethnic group of Thailand.
Local God Belief and Worship of the King in Thailand: A Folklore Perspective;
Optimization of Thailand 750m~3 Blast Furnace the Equipments Installation & Construction;
Billy Tyne is a veteran fisherman. He is the captain of a swordfishing boat called the Anderea Gail.
Study on Status Quo Analysis and Measures of Farmers Income Growth in Tai an;
The Problem Analysis and Countermeasure For Private Enterprise Independent Innovation--Take Tai an as the example;
An investigation on the cause of death among residents with malignant tumors along Dawen River in Taian City
a native or inhabitant of Thailand.