of noble birth



1)of noble birth,贵族出身2)gentleman ranker,贵族出身之士兵3)noble,贵族4)aristocrat,贵族5)patricians,贵族6)nobility,贵族7)aristocracy,贵族8)ancienne noblesse,贵族9)atheling,贵族10)burgrave,贵族


The five scene comedy Poverty and Prejudice by Danish playwright Holberg depicted the falling nobles of their poverty and arrogance with exaggeration and ridicule and indicated the inevitable tendency of rise of capital owners and fall of the nobles.


The unit form is not only different from the tombs of commoners which sacrificed only pottery vessels,but also distinct with those of the nobles which sacrificed suits of bronze ritual vessels.


In the Western medieval society, the values of nobles was the core of the social value system, which not only has a radiated effect on values of other status, but greatly impacts the bourgeois values.


The conclusion that it was only a palace coup can be reached through reviewing the history of England during the EdwardⅡ ruled(England suffered from economic crisis,political chaos and foreign aggression) especially the deposition process and analyzing the relations between king and parliament, aristocrat and law.


The paradox of Russian reform in 18th contury brought out contradiction in the hierachical mentality of aristocrat:the conceptually confusion about sovereign and the country;departing from traditional idea the absolut submission and absolutel deny;The ideal path-mocking political affairs;aristocrat s contradictory mentality toward serf.


The mid-Koryo period witnesses the peak of aristocratic power and glory when the family oligarchy dynasteia expands,and the Kyongwon Yi kinship group is a typical representative among them that intervenes in the state affairs within a century.


There was a conflict between plebs and patricians in ancient Rome in 494BC.


With the struggle of plebs for the equal political rights with the patricians in the early Republic, the institutions gradually developed and the official position was gradually open to the plebs.


Since the time of classical antiquity,people in foreign country have focused on the origin of Roman plebeians,the essential differences between plebeians and patricians,and the nature of social order conflicts.

在国外 ,自 19世纪以来 ,学者们对此问题的探讨 ,主要围绕着罗马平民的起源、平民与贵族的本质区别及等级冲突的实质等问题展开。

Tocqueville regards nobility as natural defense for liberty and against absolute royal power,but in the last years of the Old Regime,the french nobility had lost its political vigor,and attachment to the ideas of privilege,its isolation from peasant presents a disequilibrium between rights and duty.


It is always believed that the powerful monarchy and the weak nobility were the main contents of the relationship between the Tudor monarchy and nobility.


The nobility is an important part of the age of Elizabeth I .


In the portrayal of the different characters we could see Fielding s disappointment about aristocracy and his hope for the lower class people,an indication of his turning from conservatism to liberal ideology.


Mother in Setting Sun is generally recognized as one of representatives of declining aristocracy.


The other is that the American South of that time was too strict to the aristocracy represented by the Griersons.


