copy casting, copyfitting



1)copy casting, copyfitting,根据原稿核算版面2)basis,根据3)grounds,根据4)foundation,根据5)ground,根据6)selective basis,选择根据


Discussing the Basis of Penal Responsibility of Ministration Defect Sin;


What is the basis of the moral educational subjectivity is a basic question about the theory and practice of the moral educational subjectivity.


First, the disciplines based on specific self-organization theories vary in their respective background, conception and methodology, which require regulating, elucidating and perfecting on the basis of modern theoretical physics.

本文作为尝试建构一般进化论的一部分 ,其主题在于集中探讨进化的内部根据。

The necessity and grounds of the differentiation between public law and private law is the starting point and foundation of this theme.


There are profound humanity grounds,thinking grounds,and practical grounds for the inquiry into philosophical ontology.


There are sufficiently theoretical and practical grounds for giving the victim appealing rights.


The foundation of "Democracy within the Party is the Party s life" is: democracy within the party influences the party s survival and development and determines the party s advancement,the legitimation of its execution and the party s unity and unification.


After inducing and analyzing the contents and foundation of opposite theory, the thesis dicusses and concludes the necessary foundation and feasible foundation in practice and theory of security measures legislate in China.

在归纳并评析我国保安处分立法化反对论的立论及其根据的基础上 ,论证保安处分立法化的实践必要性根据和理论必要性根据 ,以及理论可行性根据和实践可行性根

The article, based on the defining and establishment of the legal systemization of the construction of spiritual civilization in the market economy, discusses about the foundation, content and the method of the legal systemization of the construction of spiritual civilization from the perspective of theory and practice.


There is no adequate grounds for doing this.


All that can prove a case to be true are evidence and evidence can t be ground for a case unless it has been verified".

“证明案件真实情况的一切事实都是证据 ,而证据必须经过查证属实方能成为定案的根据。

This essay sets forth the grounds of system of economic public good proceedings in our country from the function of procedural law, its historical origins, it s theoretical foundation and its actual situation, etc.

文章从诉讼法的作用、产生的历史渊源、理论依据和实践情况等方面 ,阐述了我国经济公益诉讼制度产生的根

