I can 't believe you 'd let her rope you into this .
The men start sliding down the rope and back into the drainage area below the utility room .
Climbing up the knotted rope was the only way into the tree house .
One reason the brics matter is that the world 's most important country thinks they do and is willing to rope them into decision-making .
Many historians believe that when ancient egyptian and chinese rope makers were twisting long strands of hemp into ropes they needed to jump over them to retrieve strands .
If it did he would chop through a rope sending the main control rod crashing back into place absorbing the neutrons driving the reaction and restoring stability .
Two rope handles nailed on by martin had technically transformed it into a trunk eligible for the baggage - car .
The indian rope trick is a legendary feat of magic in which a boy climbs a rope only to disappear into thin air at the top .