think fit


Provided that a judge of the court may allow such departures from any prescribed form as he may think fit in any particular case .
The court may whether before or after the time limited for the filing of any pleading and whether such limitation be by these rules or by the court extend the time allowed therefor on such terms as it may think fit .
We shall hear evidence as we think fit .
A disciplinary committee may adopt such procedure as it may think fit in relation to any matter not provided for by the ordinance or these regulations .
Do as you think fit .
Provided that in any case in which the court may think fit the court may allow substituted service of the notice by advertisement or otherwise or shorten the length of notice to be given .
To delegate any or all of the powers herein to any director or other person or persons as the directors may at any time think fit .
To employ invest or otherwise deal with any reserve fund or reserve funds in such manner and for such purposes as the directors may think fit .
The chairman didn 't think fit to close the meeting with the usual prayer as he is not a christian .
The council may create set aside and deal with in such manner and for such purpose as the council may think fit any provident fund or sinking fund which the council may deem necessary or expedient .

