南京视觉艺术职业学院坐落于历史文化名城南京,是一所综合性新型艺术学院,已有10年办学历史(其前身为成立于1999年的南方摄影学院),下设摄影学院、传媒学院、设计学院、高尔夫学院、文理学院及国际学院等二级学院。具有前瞻性的学科设置:为适应现代高等教育跨学科融合大趋势与培养复合型、创造型、实用型人才的需要,学院积极探索特色鲜明的学科与专业结构,让传媒、体育、管理及一些应用学科专业与各类视觉、表演艺术类专业形成互补,让文理科学生可以互相交叉选修,充分实现学生知识结构的开放性与前瞻性。 优越的现代化教学条件:学院从国外引进了一系列先进的教学实验设备,组建了摄影棚、黑白与彩色暗房、灯光素描室、数字化语音室、计算机房、苹果机房、动画机房、非编机房、网络机房、数字化录音室、影视观摩厅、影视编辑室、影视器材库、演播厅、展厅等教学设施。雄厚的师资力量:学院从国外引进了一批具高素质的专家学者及留学归国人员充实师资队伍,充分吸收国外先进的教育思想和办学理念,设立各学科专家工作室主持教学工作,以全面提升教学科研水平。 丰富多彩的艺术交流活动:人文艺术气息浓郁的大学校园已成为国际性的文化休闲活动社区,服务于中小学的艺术教育基地。由国际资深策展人主持的当代艺术展览馆每年定期邀请国内外优秀艺术家举办展览及学术交流活动。每年一度的中国独立影像节已经成为国内外电影创作交流的文化艺术盛典。环境优美的校园:学院地处禄口机场空港产业园区,占地面积1070亩。这里空气清新,环境优美,山清水秀,鸟语花香,令人心旷神怡,是莘莘学子就读、生活的理想学府。 良好的就业形势:自创办以来,学院先后培养了2500名本科生和1600名大专毕业生,他们分别就职于中央电视台、东方卫视、江苏广电总台、
重庆中国三峡博物馆等传媒机构、高等院校及企事业单位,其中不少优秀者已成为业务骨干并在国内外摄像、影视动漫及设计大赛中荣获多项大奖。 Founded in 2000, the Nanjing Institute of Visual Arts (NIVA) is located in the Konggang industrial park district of Nanjing, provincial capital of Jiangsu and a famous cultural and historical city. It is 30 kilometres from Nanjing city and 5 kilometres from Nanjing's Lukou International Airport. The Institute's former incarnation, the South China Institute of Photography, was the first third-level photography institution to be founded in China. 2300 students from all over China study photography, film-making, animation, design and 20 other subjects here. The Institute has around 150 teachers and 120 staff members, and has established educational exchange relations with universities in Australia, Korea, the US, the UK and other countries. Every year, over a hundred domestic and foreign experts, artists and scholars come to the Institute on visits and exchanges. Through organizing conferences and film festivals as well as photography, design and art exhibitions and lectures, the Nanjing Institute of Visual Arts (NIVA) is already opening up its campus and moulding itself into a prominent international centre of artistic education and exchange.