CIES abbr. Consejo Interamericano Economico y Social (Spanish=Inter-American Economic and Social Council) (西班牙语)泛美经济与社会会议; Comparative and International Education Society 国际教育比较协会; Council for International Exchange of Scholars 国际学者交流会; Inter-American Economic and Social Council 美洲经济及社会理事会
CIET abbr. Centro Interamericano de Estudios Tributarios (Spanish=Inter-American Center of Revenue Studies) (西班牙语)泛美税收研究中心; coherent-incoherent energy transfer 相干-非相干能量转换
CIFIC abbr. cost; insurance; freight; interest and commission 到岸价格加利息佣金价格
CIGA abbr. Compagnia Italiana dei Grandi Alberghi (Italian=Italian Great Hotels Company) (意大利语)意大利大饭店公司