Wan - erh's anger mounted , but there was misery in her voice.
婉儿更气了, 声音里充满了苦恼.
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Wan - erh asked Ming - feng softly. She spoke more slowly than usual.
婉儿用更低的声音问 鸣凤 道,声音很温和,比她平时说话慢了些.
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Hai - erh is very intelligent . He's obedient too . We all like him.
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Once in a while , Hsi - erh or Chien - erh came to see her.
有时候婉儿 、 倩儿 或喜儿来找她谈些话.
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Sister - in - law told Hai - erh to greet me and wish me good morning.
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And can't Yao Chin - feng go one better than Chou Erh - chieh?
难道 姚金凤 抵不过他们那周二姐么?
He taught me pen - ssu - erh and pen.
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Ming - feng whispered a few words in Wan - erh's ear.
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Hei - erh . . . . Hei - erh.
“到,到,到. ”
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But I never learned this hei - erh.
可是没学过‘黑耳’. ”
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Chou Erh - chieh and Chien Chiaolin?
What did Hsueh Pao - chu and Chou Erh - chieh say?
薛 宝珠 和周二姐说些什么呀?
Ming - feng didn't answer, and Wan - erh gently pressed, " You are in love, aren't you?
鸣凤 并不回答.婉儿更委婉地低声追问: “ 你是不是心上有了人?
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The nursemaid brought Hai - erh in , and Sister - in - law played with him , while continuing to chat with me.
“这时何嫂把海儿带了进来. 嫂嫂 便逗着海儿玩, 一面和我闲谈.
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" Chien - erh was looking for you a while back . I don't know what she wanted. "
“ 刚才倩儿在找你,不晓得有什么事情, ” 觉慧说.
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