对在法庭内大笑的刑罚是坐牢六个月;要不是这么一条罚则,陪审团将无以聆听证词。 The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence.
惩罚,刑罚,处罚由法律或权力当局制订的对罪犯或犯法行为的惩罚 A punishment established by law or authority for a crime or an offense.
无论敌人对他施加什么刑罚,他始终坚强不屈。 No matter what punishment the enemy handed out to him, he stood as firm as ever.
一位公正的法官要尽量依照罪行判处适当的刑罚。 A good judge will try to make the punishment fit the crime.