It is developed a content-based paper chromatogram database retrieval system of lubricating oil by Vi- sual Basic 6.
A method of distinguishing lubricating oils based on their components by paper chromatography was advanced.
A novel paper chromatography was developed to seperate metal ions and amino acids.
采用壳聚糖改性层析纸 ,纸色谱法分离过渡金属、贵金属离子和氨基酸 ,与未改性层析纸进行对照。
The test tube testing method,paper chromatography and the thin layer chromatograph(TLC)were applied to determine each effective component.
In this experiment the method of a combination of paper chromatography and a microscale of glucose assay was applied to α-glucosidase activity assay and its inhibitor kinetics screening and monitoring, the conditions of the reaction with substrate of maltose were optimized, and the feasibility of this method was confirmed by the example of licorice.
The inorganicgermanium in propagermanium was examined by paper chromatography.
Amino acids are separated by paper chromatography with rnobile phase of micellaraqueous solution.
Result:The medicinal properties,microscopic characteristics and paper chromatography(PC)analysis of the stem and cortex were described and physicochemically idendified,so as to proide the morphological and histological standards of quality control.
Separation of vitamin B group with micellar paper chromatography and their host-guest chromatographic behaviour;
A new quantitative approach, chemiluminescence method and appropriative apparatus, to determination of paper chromatographic spot were presented in this paper.
提出一种纸色谱斑点定量的新途径化学发光法及专用装置 。
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) were accomplished by means of paper chromatography.