In order to perfect the application technology of space grids insingle story factory, the following generality problems have been summarized in this paper: (l) thebest type of space grids for large span factory; (2) the calculation hypothesis of space grids for analyzing bent frame in single story factory; (3) the construction of the support joint connecting spacegrid and column accor.
Finite element computation of an aero-engine rear support dynamic stiffness;
The technical reformation of the shaft end sealing and supporting structure of agitator with double axle;
Design for RPV Support of Qingshan Phase II NPP Project;
This article sum up supporting type of vessels according as structure and types of vessels.
The inertial force and supporting reaction force created by the vibration of rotors with axle are regarded as external forces on the axle in this paper.
By means of analyzing of bottom supporting cylinder, a mechanical model and formulas of bottom strength calculating is given, then a calculating method for designing bottom supporing cylinders is offered.
Influence of Deflection from the Load Method on Different Bearing;
Principax axis bearing is a key part of it.
The conclusion was put forward that if the bearings of pre-cast beam were incorrectly installed when it was laid aside,and the sudden descending of temperature may result in cracks,t.
Probabilistic analysis of fluidelastic instability controlled by inactive supports;
In the design, the supports for portal frame, which are made by three groups of balance beam sets arranged laterally in a regular triangle position, are taken as static determinate system.
分析研究一种专门为软土基础设计的斗轮堆取料机的大车运行机构的设计特点 :门架支承按静定系统设计 ,采用侧向正三角形布置的 3组平衡梁台车来支承 ,大平衡梁与门架的连接 ,固定侧采用竖直锥形叉销 ,浮动侧采用柔性的氯丁橡胶轴承。
In the paper a method for analysis of the effects of viscoelastic boundary supports on the forced vibration of a rectangular plate is proposed.