A simple method to develop photographs by using a special mould and X-ray film processor;
This paper presents a general description of main technical problems relating to the photography of portrait used in the second generation ID cards scheduled to grant to all citizens from 2005 to 2008 in China,e.
This paper discusses the practical experience in collecting,managing and utilizing the local photographs in the library,the available ways of collecting photographs of the local documents and the respects of how to manage and utilize them.
本文从地方文献中照片的收集方式 ,以及如何管理利用等方面 ,阐述了图书馆收集地方照片及管理利用的实际经验 ,旨在进一步收集、管理、利用好这类文献 ,为读者服务。
Clinical Study of Taking High Quality Fundal Photos;
Photo Database Proxy Architecture Based on Encryption Algorithm;
A Technology of Ontology-based Photo Annotation;
Methods Using X-ray protecting device and the routine device,forearm,shank and wrist of 240 adults of the endemic fluorosis area and 200 children of the Kaschin-Beck disease(KBD) area were photographed,and the photograph quality was appraised by 5 radiation technicians.