heavy water cooled reactor



1)heavy water cooled reactor,重水冷却反应堆2)candu phw,加拿大重水慢化加压重水冷却反应堆3)candu pressurized heavy water cooled,加拿大重水慢化加压重水冷却反应堆4)heavy water moderated pressurized heavy water cooled reactor,重水慢化加压重水冷却反应堆5)heavy water,重水6)deuterium oxide,重水7)deuterium oxide, heavy water,重水8)deuteroxide,重水9)heavy water,重水[D2O];重水10)heavy oxygen heavy water,重氧重水


Deuterium exchange between ammonia gas and water to purging heavy water from nuclear reactor;


Based on the CECE-GC experimental system,with a disposal capability of 10 t/a of tritiated heavy water,the demonstration experiment of recovering deuterium from light water containing deuterium and the simulation operation of recovering tritium from tritiated heavy water with tritiated light water are introduced.

基于建立的年处理10 t重水的组合电解催化交换-色谱分离(CECE-GC)实验系统,就含氘轻水提氘演示实验及利用含氚轻水进行含氚重水提氚模拟运行做了介绍。

Isotope(deuterium oxide,D2O)tracer method was used to trace the water content in cut tobacco in order to reveal the variation of water transfer in the course of tobacco processing.

利用同位素重水(deuterium oxide,D2O)跟踪烟草中的水分子,从而研究水分在加工过程中的转移变化。

18O2 gas is prepared from the electrolysis of heavy oxygen heavy water using a set of self-made quartz glass electrolysis system.


