parity selection rule



1)parity selection rule,宇称选择定则2)parity,宇称3)Parity violation,宇称破缺4)negative-parity bands,负宇称带5)normal parity,正常宇称6)parity conservation,宇称守恒7)Parity,宇称态8)negative parity state,负宇称态9)parity effect,宇称效应10)parity transformation,宇称变换


Discovery of non-conservation of parity is an important event in the development history of physics.


20 century began from the research of symmetry,the discovery of nonconservation of parity starts epoch of research of breaking symmetry.


In this paper, we discussed the transition selection rule of electrical dipole radiation in atom physics by the parity theory and angular momentum theory in quantum.


The author analyses the differences and relationships between Dirac s equation and 2-Component neutrino theory, then shows that experment of polarzed C_o ̄(60) has not overthrown the law of parity conservation.


It is shown that parity conservation is verified for the Hamiltonian system operatorwith inversion space invariance for the case u(-x)=-u(x).


The physical quantities such as energy difference δ E_I of the positive and negative parity states of the same spin, moment of inertia J ̄(1) and J ̄(2), electric dipole transition branching ratios of first negative parity states and the relations between them and angular momentum or rotational frequency ω and mass number A are obtained from the experimental data.


It is shown that two dots can be coupled coherently, which is reflected in the appearance of parity effects and the complex current-phase relation in this system.

结果表明 ,在这个系统中 ,宇称效应和复杂的电流 相位关系的出现反映了两个量子点可以相干耦合 。

