dose effect relationship

基本解释剂量 效应关系


1)dose effect relationship,剂量 效应关系2)dose-effect relationship,剂量-效应关系3)dosage dependent effect,剂量/效应关系4)Dose-response Relationship,剂量效应关系5)Dose response relationship,剂量效应关系6)dose-effect relationship,剂量效应关系7)Dose Response Relation,剂量效应关系8)dose-response relationship,剂量-效应关系9)Dose Response Relat,剂量效应关系10)dose response relationship,剂量-效应关系


7 kinds of organic solvents including acetonitrile, methanol, ethanol, acetone, ether, tetrahydrofuran, and isopropanol possessed non-monotone J-type dose-effect relationship, the other 13 kinds were typical S-type dose-effect relationship.


Objective To explore the dose-effect relationship of water fluoride levels and renal damage in children and observe the difference of renal function between high-loaded fluoride people and dental fluorosis people in the same water fluoride level region.

目的 阐明饮水氟含量与儿童肾损害的剂量-效应关系,并观察饮水氟含量相同的地区氟斑牙患者与高氟负荷人群之间肾功能有无差异。

Effects of mixed cypermethrin and methylparathion on endocrine hormone levels and immune functions in rats:Ⅰ.dose-response relationship;


The findings of low-dose(near or below its NOAEL)effects, as well as the non-monotonic dose-response relationship are problematic for risk assessment methods used by regulatory agencies, because they challenge the traditional use of extrapolation from high dose testing to predict responses at the much lower environmentally relevant doses which are within .


